What is dog in slang?
dog noun [C] (PERSON)
slang. a man who is unpleasant or not to be trusted: dirty dog He tried to steal my money, the dirty dog. offensive. an offensive word for an ugly person, especially a woman.
What is being a dog mean?
an ugly, despicable, boring, or crude person: I had high hopes for this date, but he turned out to be a dog. Slang. something worthless or of extremely poor quality: That used car you bought is a dog.
What are Dawgs feet?
In 1913, a journalist for the New York Evening, by the name of “T.A. Dorgan”, was well known for rhyming slang, published the word 'dogs' as a citation for his feet. From that point forward the word 'dogs', has been used as slang for feet.
What does it mean to dog someone?
to follow somebody closely
dog somebody/something to follow somebody closely. She had the impression that someone was dogging her steps.
What does the dog’s B * * * * * * * mean?
idiom UK offensive. a rude phrase for something or someone that you think is extremely good. Extremely good.
Is big dog a slang?
Yeah I know, a strange slang term. But hear me out. Your “Road Dog” was the person that you went out on the town with. The “Big Dog” was somebody in charge or in a position of authority or someone you respected.
What is a dirty dog slang?
Definitions of dirty dog. a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible. synonyms: bum, crumb, git, lowlife, puke, rat, rotter, skunk, so-and-so, stinker, stinkpot. type of: disagreeable person, unpleasant person. a person who is not pleasant or agreeable.
What is a dog insult slang?
To dog, as a verb, can mean to insult someone in front of his friends. In Australian slang it is used for a police informer.
Is it dogs or dawgs for feet?
Before we can explore the origin of this phrase, we should probably answer the question, how did 'dogs' come to mean 'feet'? The Online Etymology Dictionary points back to a Cockney penchant for rhyming slang as its origin, linking dog's meat to feet and pinning it to 1913.
Does grippers mean toes?
Today I learned that when someone says grippers they mean feet.
What is a road dog slang?
Slang for a good friend.
What does digit mean in slang?
digits plural, slang : the digits of a telephone number. At the end of the meal, the pair discussed wanting to see the Dupont Underground art exhibit, and that's when Scott smoothly asked for her digits and said they should go.
What is a Bollix in Irish slang?
Bollix, is an Irish Slang term, comes from Bollocks, meaning testes but generally means someone who is annoying.
Whose dog is that meaning?
“Whose IS that dog?” if you are asking whom the dog belongs to.
What is a street dog slang?
In the United Kingdom “mongrel”, while in the United States and Canada they tend to use the word “mutt” or “mixed”. In some countries, such as Australia, the term "bita" or "bitzer" is sometimes used, meaning "bits of this" or "bits of that". Other English-speakers use the term “tyke” or “cur”.
What is a dog daddy slang?
According to Urban Dictionary, here is the definition of a DOG DAD: A dog dad is the proud owner of a dog and loves his dog like he would love his own kids—if he had any.
What is a hot dog slang?
If someone calls you a hotdog, they mean you're a daredevil or a risk-taker. Also, you can say “hotdog!” to express delight, kind of like “woohoo!” Hotdog! Definitions of hotdog.
Is it dogs or dawgs?
Calling someone “a dog” is an insult in American English. It's used to demean women and girls specifically. It's a harsh version of “ugly.” Calling someone “dawg” is friendly in African-American urban slang.